Casino Night Zone Beta

Casino Night Zone Beta Rating: 3,5/5 9071 votes

The Casino Night Zone is essentially the first full-on casino, borrowing some aspects of its design from the more general-looking Spring Yard Zone. This type of setting is most commonly associated with the 'bouncy/pinball' kind of stage that features regularly in Sonic games. The Casino Night Zone21 is a location that appears in Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog. It is a large city on Mobius that was built by Dr. It is full of rigged casinos that Robotnik used to acquire slaves. 1 Description 2 History 2.1 TV series 2.1.1 Season one 3 Trivia 4 See also 5 References The Casino Night Zone consists of a city full of casinos and colorful buildings. Casino Night Zone: A jazzy remix of the Casino Night Zone theme from Sonic the Hedgehog 2, taken directly from Sonic Generations. It used to play on the stage of the same name before being replaced by an original Casino Night Zone remix in Beta 1.0. Source: Sonic Generations Arrangement: Jun Senoue Composition: Masato Nakamura. Oh, and I like how that review is all 'CASINO STREET ZONE IS EXACTLY LIKE CASINO NIGHT ZONE THEY'RE EXACTLY THE SAME except that it plays like an entirely different level.' Edited 19th Feb '10 8:47:22 AM by Enlong. Two rings lined up horizontally. The rightmost can actually be touched without going inside the pillar, but there's no way to reach it. The pillars weren't there in CENSOR and Beta 4 prototype, allowing the rings to be collected. Casino Night Zone Act 2 027F00F8: Two clusters with seven rings each, just above the start, but way too high to reach.

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Aug 21, 1992 prototype)
Build dateAug 21, 1992
Build nameAlpha
Dump statusReleased
Dumped bydrx
Released bydrx
File release dateNovember 9, 2019
LotSonic Month 2019
LabelsMD Sonic 2 Alpha 21.8
Dump methodTrue-USB PRO GQ-4X
Ownershipdrx (2019-Present)
GameSonic the Hedgehog 2
SystemSega Mega Drive
Final buildSep 29, 1992 10:33:00
Release dateJP Nov 21, 1992
US Nov 24, 1992
EU Nov 24, 1992
Download Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Aug 21, 1992 prototype) (info, raw dump)

A prototype of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 for the Sega Mega Drive.


  • Like the Simon Wai build, the game does not boot up to the Sega logo. However, the Sega logo will display after a level demo. The Sega logo is the same as the one from Sonic 1.
  • Hidden Palace Zone, Wood Zone, Genocide City Zone, Death Egg Zone, and the Special Stage are present in the same state as they were in the Simon Wai prototype.
  • None of the unused zone IDs contain any data aside from an associated music ID.
  • Different title screen in comparison to the final.
  • Cheat Codes:
    • Level Select - A + Start.
    • 'Night Mode' - C + Start.
    • Two-Player Mode - on the level select, press B + Start.
    • Debug Mode - on the title screen, press C, C, Up, Down, Down, Down, Down, Up. Then hold A while selecting a level from the level select.
  • The timer will still reset from 9:59 to 9:00 like in the earlier builds.
  • The same left over data that was present in Simon Wai also exists in this build in the same area of the ROM.
  • This build is similar in ways to the Simon Wai prototype. In comparison to that build, this prototype contains the following differences:
    • Sonic’s final sprite has been implemented.
    • Super Sonic has been implemented.
    • The level order in this prototype is: Green Hill (Emerald Hill), Chemical Plant, Metropolis, Hill Top, Dust Hill (Mystic Cave), and Neo Green Hill (Aquatic Ruin). The prototype ends after completing Aquatic Ruin.
    • The cut badnik in Green Hill Zone has been removed. It isn’t present in the object list for this stage, but the code and art still exists. For some reason, the object ID changed from $54 to $59.
    • The Spiny badnik is blue instead of red in this build.
    • Green Hill Zone’s boss plays Chemical Plant Zone’s theme instead.
    • The cut elevator platform used in the Simon Wai prototype in Metropolis has been removed but is still present in the object list for this stage.
    • The Hill Top Zone boss has been implemented. The boss arena is slightly different, the boss lacks any sound effects, and doesn’t start the boss music when encountered. The horizontal screen lock isn’t used to lock the player to the arena, so the player can walk away from the boss at any time.
    • Dust Hill Zone now has additional objects to make the zone playable.
    • The boss for Dust Hill Zone has been implemented. The screen lock hasn’t been set for the boss arena completely yet. The boss spawns above the intended area, so it often moves in midair. The falling stalagmites are missing, only the rocks seem to appear.
    • Casino Night Zone is more complete in this prototype. The level layout itself isn’t broken, but is still devoid of objects except for one in Act 2. The only level specific object that appears in the object list for the stage is a single bumper. However, the art queue for the stage loads art for additional objects not included in the object list. The boss has been implemented and appears at the end of Act 2 but appears to be a work in progress. One major difference is that the spiked ball that Robotnik drops bounces around whereas it’s stationary in the final. Robotnik also seems to have a fixed movement pattern.
    • The level layout in Oil Ocean Zone doesn’t seem to match the object layout, as there are switches and other objects suspended in midair all throughout the level.
    • For the most part, the music tracks have all been finalized in this build. The game seems to be using a similar sound driver in comparison to the Simon Wai build.
    • The unused BGM track from the final version has been implemented.
    • The invincibility theme contains a different ending.
    • The title screen theme is slightly different.
    • The staff credits theme hasn’t been implemented. Instead, the unused BGM track is repeated in its place.
    • Additional, unused sound effects have been added since the Simon Wai build.
    • The art for the Sky Chase/Wing Fortress badniks exists in this build but aren't referenced by any art queue list. There doesn't seem to be zone art for these zones yet, however.
    • No art for Death Egg Zone (Silver Sonic, etc) seems to exist yet.
    • Entries to load the art for various cut badniks are located within Hidden Palace Zone's art queue list for some reason. Most of the art loads at $8000 in VRAM, overwriting the region each time a new archive is uncompressed.
    • The code and art for the unused bosses actually exist in this build. This build even includes references to load the boss art for each zone with an art queue list, but goes unused.
    • The routines responsible for loading the Metropolis boss in Act 3 exists in the game. However, the object itself is set to move around at coordinates that fit the end of Act 2 instead.
    • There is an unused badnik/object that is unique to this build at object ID $5a. The object has a unique spawn animation and changes its sprite depending on where Sonic is around the object. Defeating the badnik leaves some art behind that remains stationary. This is an early version of the 'Crawler' badnik that comes out of the ground. The mappings for the object seem to manipulate $7880 in VRAM.


  • Title screen.

  • Level select.

  • Green Hill Zone.

  • Green Hill Zone Boss.

  • Wood Zone.

  • Metropolis Zone Act 1.

  • Metropolis Zone Act 2.

  • Metropolis Zone Act 3.

  • Hill Top Zone Act 1.

  • Hill Top Zone Boss.

  • Hidden Palace Zone.

  • Oil Ocean Zone Act 1.

  • Oil Ocean Zone Act 2.

  • Dust Hill Zone Act 1.

  • Dust Hill Zone Boss.

  • Casino Night Zone Act 1.

  • Casino Night Zone Boss.

  • Chemical Plant Zone Act 1.

  • Chemical Plant Zone Act 2.

  • Neo Green Hill Zone Act 1.

  • Neo Green Hill Zone Act 2.

  • Genocide City Zone.

  • Death Egg Zone.



File Archive Contents

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Aug 21, 1992 prototype).md File 2019-09-07 05:26:15 1 MB c337d2f11a0630d61fc3c4f95d6e7970bb1f7910


00000100 53 45 47 41 20 4d 45 4741 20 44 52 49 56 45 20SEGA MEGA DRIVE 00000110 28 43 29 53 45 47 41 2031 39 39 31 2e 41 50 52(C)SEGA 1991.APR00000120 53 4f 4e 49 43 20 54 4845 20 20 20 20 20 20 20SONIC THE 00000130 20 20 20 20 20 20 48 4544 47 45 48 4f 47 20 32 HEDGEHOG 200000140 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 2020 20 20 20 20 20 20 2000000150 53 4f 4e 49 43 20 54 4845 20 20 20 20 20 20 20SONIC THE 00000160 20 20 20 20 20 20 48 4544 47 45 48 4f 47 20 32 HEDGEHOG 200000170 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 2020 20 20 20 20 20 20 2000000180 47 4d 20 30 30 30 30 3430 34 39 2d 30 31af c7GM 00004049-01..00000190 4a 20 20 20 20 20 20 2020 20 20 20 20 20 20 20J 000001a0 00 00 00 0000 07 ff ff00 ff 00 0000 ff ff ff................000001b0 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 2020 20 20 2020 20 20 20000001c0 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 2020 20 20 20 20 20 20 20000001d0 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 2020 20 20 20 20 20 20 20000001e0 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 2020 20 20 20 20 20 20 20000001f0 4a 55 45 20 20 20 20 2020 20 20 20 20 20 20 20JUE


  • EPROMs.

See also

Game Gear
Sega Mega Drive
Retrieved from ',_1992_prototype)&oldid=29271'
We just released a Feb. 5 '89 prototype of DuckTales for the NES!
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< Proto:Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Genesis)‎ Simon Wai Prototype

This is a sub-page of Proto:Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Genesis)/Simon Wai Prototype.

General Differences

  • There are no objects at all in the Simon Wai layout. This includes the objects that make the triangular bumpers, conveyor belts, and loops work.
  • The starting positions for Sonic and Tails are taken from Emerald Hill. This leads to the player(s) spawning slightly above the ground in Act 1 and way above the ground in Act 2.
  • There are certain 16×16 blocks that call for animated tiles in range 3E8-3F7 in the Simon Wai version, but no animated tiles are loaded to those slots. Those blocks will either be blank (if accessed from the Level Select before any demo plays) or use whatever tiles were loaded in VRAM from the previous Zone (as seen above, where the tiles come from Hill Top).
  • The pink diamond blocks and would-be animated blocks aren't solid at the top. Since these are frequently used in floor chunks, this is a bit of a problem.
Simon Wai proto
Beta 4 onward
  • In the Simon Wai version, the loops are very thin. The top of the loops have spotty collision in the prototype that doesn't match the actual art; the final version fixes this by adding a solid flat surface to the top of the loop. This also let the developers add objects like monitors and springs to the loop tops.
  • There are odd black squares (Block 84) that are used in certain chunks. While most of these seem to be arbitrarily placed, the ones in chunk 15 mark where the pinball plungers should be.
  • There are a number of chunks in both Acts that are a few bits off from what they should be. For instance, blocks 0C and 0D should be placed next to each other to form a half-pipe. In Act 1, the first half-pipe is instead made of two 0C chunks.
Simon Wai proto
Beta 4 onward
  • Though there is a 128×128 chunk that would be used for a slot machine at 60, slot machines have yet to be placed in the Zone proper. The animated tiles are also defined differently:
  • In the Simon Wai version all three icons use the same animated tiles, 2F4-2F7. So, if the machines were implemented, all three slots would display the same icons and scroll at the same speed.
  • In later versions, icon 1 uses tiles 2EC-2EF, icon 2 uses tiles 2F0-2F3, and icon 3 uses tiles 2F4-2F7.

Graphical Differences

The Zone went through a radical makeover after the Simon Wai build. It would be easier to just write 'everything' here, but a few of the more notable differences are detailed below.

Simon Wai proto
Beta 4 onward

The background in Act 1 is completely different between versions.

The background in Act 2 is incorrectly defined. It should be using chunks B1-B8, but it uses chunks 8B-92 instead.

Simon Wai proto
Beta 4 onward

The conveyor belts are thicker in the Simon Wai version. There are strange black lines in the middle of the belt that were removed from the later versions.

Simon Wai proto
Beta 4 onward
Casino Night Zone Beta

The insides of the triangle bumpers are more detailed in the final design.

Simon Wai proto
Beta 4 onward

The neon palm trees are 16 pixels higher in the earlier prototype.

Simon Wai proto
Beta 4 onward

There are more lights at the top of the elevator tubes in the earlier design.

Simon Wai proto
Beta 4 onward

Arrows were added to the large 100 lights that all point to the center. The 100 graphic is centered differently in both versions.

Act 1

Simon Wai proto (in-game) Simon Wai proto (fixed)
  • As mentioned previously, the right part of the half-pipe is incorrectly assigned chunk 0C instead of the correct chunk, 0D.
  • Besides that error, the Simon Wai prototype has an additional, smaller conveyor belt to the left of the longer one.
Simon Wai proto (in-game)
Simon Wai proto (fixed)
  • The chunk in the upper-left corner is chunk 5A. It should be chunk 5C instead, an isosceles bumper that fits better with the layout and matches its position in the later versions.
Simon Wai proto
Beta 4
Casino night zone beta caroteneCasino Night Zone Beta
  • A big slot table was put in this area in later layouts.
  • The chunks that make up the triangular bumper and the ground below extend further to the left in the Simon Wai version.
  • The slope underneath those chunks is steeper in the earlier prototype.
Simon Wai proto Beta 4
  • There's an extra way to get to the upper path in the Simon Wai version. Most of that area was filled in afterwards.
  • Three more isosceles bumpers were placed above the elevator tube.
Simon Wai proto
Beta 4
  • More solid wall chunks were added above the loop. Walls can be used in conjunction with floors.
  • The pinball background pieces were taken out of the later layouts.
  • The slope in the upper-left was replaced by another isosceles bumper.
Simon Wai proto Beta 4
  • Neither of the slot tables are present in the Simon Wai version.
  • Another triangular bumper was placed at the bottom-center.
Simon Wai proto (in-game)
Simon Wai proto (fixed)
  • The tube ceiling in this area should use chunk 9D, not chunk 9C.
Simon Wai proto
Beta 4
  • The flat ground in this area was replaced by more isosceles bumpers.
  • A triangular bumper was placed above the first isosceles bumpers.
Simon Wai proto
Beta 4
  • In the Simon Wai version, there's one massive pinball table in this area. The later versions split them up into a small table at the top and a larger table at the bottom.
  • Another isosceles bumper was added to the lower-right corner.

Act 2

Simon Wai proto Beta 4
  • Later versions add a slot table on the left and a pinball table on the right.
Simon Wai proto
Beta 4
  • The ground to the left of the loop is two chunks higher in later builds.
  • A quarter-pipe was placed on the right edge of the area.
Simon Wai proto
Beta 4
  • Two triangular bumpers were added to the top of this area.
  • The big pinball table was changed to a tiny slot machine.
  • The sloped ceiling in the bottom-left was flattened in later versions.
Simon Wai proto
Beta 4
  • The first half of the conveyor belt at the top was changed to a standard solid floor. The second half was deleted entirely.
Simon Wai proto
Beta 4
  • The floor on the right is at a higher elevation in the Simon Wai version.
Simon Wai proto
Beta 4
  • The later layouts add a slot table here, and six isoceles bumpers above that table.
Simon Wai proto
Beta 4
  • The ceiling chunks in the upper-right corner were removed from later versions.
Simon Wai proto
Beta 4
  • The extra ceiling chunk in the exit on the right was deleted.
Simon Wai proto (in-game)
Simon Wai proto (fixed)
  • The giant pinball tables later in Act 2 have a number of empty spaces in the Simon Wai version. This is not by design: The Simon Wai prototype is trying to use chunks D0 and D1, which aren't defined. It should be using chunks C0 and C1, which are properly defined and fit in those blank spaces perfectly.
Simon Wai proto
Beta 4
  • Said pinball table was reduced in size and changed to a slot table after the Simon Wai prototype. More isosceles and triangle bumpers were placed to fill up the empty space.
  • The slopes underneath the table are steeper in later versions.
Simon Wai proto
Beta 4
  • There's an extra ceiling piece above the second half-pipe in this area. That piece makes actually exiting the half-pipe considerably more difficult. It was removed in later layouts, and an isosceles bumper was added above that half-pipe.

Casino Night Zone Beta Hydroxybutyrate

Simon Wai proto (in-game)
Simon Wai proto (fixed)
  • This is the most noticeable of the misassigned chunks in the Simon Wai prototype: That version tries to use chunks D0-D9 here, when it should be using C0-C9. Changing those chunks leads to a much better-looking pinball table and adds triangle bumpers to the left side.
Simon Wai proto
Beta 4
  • The gigantic pinball table was considerably reduced in size in later versions of the Act, and was changed to a slot table to boot.
  • There's an extra path in the middle-right that was removed from later layouts.
  • Five isosceles bumpers were placed on the right wall.
  • The gently-sloping platforms at the bottom were replaced with steep slopes in later builds, making it more difficult for the player to get back to the top of the table.

Casino Night Zone Sprites

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