Ed Results Partnership

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Results Partners LLC Proudly developing and managing many of the finest vineyards in Oregon. Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) Operational Study 4 Component 3 was designed to compare performance on PARCC mathematics field-test items for grade 3 taken with and without a drawing tool. For the 2016 testing window, five field-test items were selected to have the directions edited to allow students to. Our partnership approach delivers greater impact. GPE's unique model brings together all education partners in local education groups in support of lower-income countries' priorities. Together, partners contribute at all phases of the education planning cycle, from sector analysis to evaluation. Educational Results Partnership (ERP) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that is data-informed, employer-led, and equity-focused. We are committed to improving outcomes across all levels of.

For nearly two decades, the Global Partnership for Education has been delivering funds and supporting solutions to build strong and resilient education systems so that more children in the poorest countries, especially girls, get the education they need to contribute to building a more prosperous and sustainable world.

We bring together lower-income countries, donors, international organizations, civil society, including youth and teacher organizations, the private sector and private foundations to transform education systems so that all girls and boys, especially those who are marginalized by poverty, displacement or disability, can get a quality education.

Ed Results Partnership 2020

What we do

Our vision

A quality education for every child

Our mission

Ed Results Partnership Vs

To mobilize partnerships and investments that transform education systems in lower-income countries, leaving no one behind

Transforming education is about creating impact at scale so that every child receives a quality education. GPE helps governments make systemic changes to deliver education for the most marginalized children, raise learning levels, withstand shocks and adapt to new challenges.

As a partnership and a fund, GPE brings together a unique set of assets, tools and resources to accelerate transformative change.

To create lasting change, we convene partners behind lower-income country leadership and support governments to advance teaching and learning for the 21st century, mobilize more and better financing, and scale solutions for the world’s poorest and hardest-to-reach girls and boys.


The GPE Charter enumerates 8 principles for the partnership:

  • Education as a public good, a human right and an enabler of other rights
  • Focusing our resources on securing learning, equity and inclusion for the most marginalized children and youth, including those affected by fragility and conflict
  • Achieving gender equality
  • Enabling inclusive, evidence-basedpolicy dialogue that engages national governments, donors, civil society, teachers, philanthropy and the private sector
  • Providing support that promotes country ownership and nationally identified priorities, and is linked to country performance in achieving improved equity and learning
  • Improving development effectiveness by harmonizing and aligning aid to country systems
  • Promoting mutual accountability and transparency across the partnership
  • Acting on our belief that inclusive partnership is the most effective means of achieving development results


To learn more about the responsibilities of each partner, view the accountability matrix

Lower-income countries

GPE works with close to 70 lower-income countries to help them build stronger, more effective education systems, and improve the volume, equity, and efficiency of domestic resources.

Partner countries join the partnership after developing a comprehensive education sector plan, endorsed by their partners. To receive GPE’s large-scale grants, governments must commit significant domestic funding to education.


Donors provide financial and technical assistance to help partner countries as they design and implement their education strategies.

Donors play a pivotal role in the coordination of partners in local education groups, and in the elaboration and monitoring of education strategies and programs.

Donors contribute funding to education on a bilateral basis and through the GPE Fund, and may act as GPE grant agents.

View donor profiles:

Civil society

Civil society organizations (CSOs) help shape education policies, monitor programs and hold governments accountable for their duty to fulfill the right to education.

GPE works with CSO networks such as the Global Campaign for Education and Education International that help facilitate collaboration among organizations and strengthen national and global linkages.

GPE supports CSOs to be active members of local education groups, where they make meaningful contributions to policy discussions and education planning.

In the CSO constituency, GPE also works with youth advocates and networks to shape and influence education policies.

Multilateral organizations

Multilateral organizations play a pivotal role in implementing education programs, supervising the implementation of GPE grants and the disbursement of funds.

They include development banks, such as the World Bank, African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, and Islamic Development Bank; and UN agencies, such as UNICEF, UNESCO and its institutes, and UNHCR.

Multilateral organizations provide an unparalleled source of knowledge and expertise to help GPE achieve its objectives and monitor its impact. The World Bank is the host of the GPE Secretariat and acts as trustee for its fund.

Private sector

The business community has the specialized expertise, resources and networks to tackle some of the most urgent problems facing education systems in lower-income countries.

In line with our country ownership principle, GPE leverages the knowledge, skills and advocacy potential of corporate partners to accelerate progress on education goals, ensuring benefits for both lower-income countries and business partners.

GPE works with the Global Business Coalition for Education and other networks and associations to support the business community's involvement in the education sector.

Private foundations

Philanthropic foundations provide a unique blend of strategic, technical and financial support for innovations leading to better education results in lower-income countries.

GPE works with philanthropic foundations to leverage their technical expertise and networks, catalyze advocacy and accountability, and crowd-in financing that leads to innovative and sustainable responses to education challenges.

GPE works with the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF), Comic Relief, Dubai Cares, Conrad Hilton Foundation, Open Society Foundations, Porticus, and the Rockefeller Foundation.

Our strategy

GPE 2020, our strategic plan for 2016-2020, outlines what the partnership must do to support stronger education systems, and achieve the Sustainable Development Goal 4 of inclusive and quality education for all. The strategy turns GPE’s vision into actionable goals and objectives.

GPE 2020 is monitored through a results framework, which tracks progress year by year and holds all members of the partnership accountable for delivering on the strategy.


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