Quotes Engels

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Liefdesteksten in het Engels… Expressions of love

Gek hè, sommigen hebben moeite met zeggen: Ik hou van jou. Terwijl ‘I Love you’ of ‘Love you’ er stukken soepeler uitkomt…
Liefdesteksten en rijmpjes klinken natuurlijk ook super sweet in het Engels.
Op deze pagina vind je korte, krachtige Engelse liefdesteksten en rijmpjes, full of love.

Engelse liefdesteksten en gedichtjes

If I could rearrange the alphabet,
I’d put U and I together…

Missing you could turn from pain to pleasure,
if I knew you were missing me too…

Googleplus All quotes Communication Giving Labour Revolution Science Struggle The state is nothing but an instrument of opression of one class by another - no less so in a democratic republic than in a monarchy. Engels portrays the upper class as a money-hungry machine. These people have sold themselves to greed and thus lost all humanity. In Engels' opinion this love of wealth has made the upper class deplorable and disgusting, indulging in every impulse because they can afford to. Karl Marx quotes: 130 quotes from Karl Marx, 30 from Engels, with links to the context. This is the only genuine source of Karl Marx quotes on the internet, in which every quote is sourced.

It feels nice to miss you,
so I’m missing you.
It feels nice to think about you,
so I’m thinking about you.
It feels nice to love you,

Love is heat and you are sweet.
When our two lips meet, love is complete!

If I had a star
for every time you made me smile,
I’d had a galaxy!

Tell me you can’t live without me,
and I’ll be yours!

I love the stars in the sky,
but they are nothing compare to the ones
in your eyes!

Love is pure, love is sure.
Love is sweet poison that doctors can’t cure.
Love you, honey!

The love inside me is burning and it’s true,
and it appeared the day I met you!

In my dreams you’re mine,
in my life you’re a dream!

Everytime I see you
I love you more!

Pssst, I love you more than my teddybeer,
but hey, don’t tell him!

You make me complete, can’t you see?
Thank you so much for loving me.

I love you. each and every day,
More than words, can ever say!

You are
You are my soulmate,
And I know I am yours,
Just love, no hate,
The one and only force.
You are my sunshine,
Even in rainy days,
You make me feel fine,
In so many ways.
You are my best friend,
now and every day,
Just give me your hand,
And together we’ll fly away!

Don’t love 1, don’t love 2.
Just love the 1 that loves you 2!

Roses are red, violets are blue,
sugar is sweet, and so are you!

If love was water,
I’d give you the ocean!

I always start my day with you on my mind,
and end my day with you in my dreams!

Liefdesteksten in het Engels,
Because you care,
Love is everywhere!

Was there an earthquake?
Or did you just rock my world?!!

Of all the girls I ever met,
you’re the one
I will never forget!

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Geniet ook van onze Nederlandse liefdesteksten >>

If water was a kiss, I’d send you the sea.
If a hug was a leaf, I’d send you a tree.
If love were forever
I’d send you eternity!


Girl you’re clever, girl you’re smart.
Girl you’re like a piece of art.
Girl you’re sexy, girl you’re fine.
The only thing you ain’t
is mine…

You are my heartbeat,
you are all I ever need!

What’s live? Live is love.
What’s love? Love is kissing.
What’s kissing? Come here and I’ll show you!

Flowers will die, waters will dry,
but our love will never say goodbye!

I love you deeply, unconditionally, forever and beyond…

Kiss me, my lips are on fire.
And you my dear,
are the object of my desire!

I love you more than could ever fit into this little heart of mine!

When the night comes, look at the sky.
If you see a falling star, just make wish,
don’t wonder why.
Trust me, it will come true,
because I did it and I found you!

If loving you is wrong,
I don’t wanna be right!

I’d give up everything just to be with you,
cause what’s life if I don’t have you?

The best thing about me is

Your pretty smile
could light up the whole town!

I just received a call from heaven
that they are missing an angel.
But don’t worry, I won’t tell a thing!

For the world you are somebody.
But for somebody you are the world.
Much love,

I think we belong
Love is in the air,
Love between two friends,
Telling I don’t dare,
Afraid of how it ends,
So that’s why I chose this way,
Through this little poem of mine,
Try to find words to say,
Or at least give you a sign,
So here I go,
Please don’t get me wrong,
I want you to know,
I think we belong,
Together as one,
Even more than friends do,
Everytime you are gone,
All I can think of is YOU!

So there’s this girl.
She’s beautiful, funny and has a great personality and guess what?
She’s reading this right now…

Of switch to friendship, enjoy onze vriendschapsteksten >>

Enjoy the top 82 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Friedrich Engels.

All history has been a history of class struggles between dominated classes at various stages of social development.
— Friedrich Engels —

— Friedrich Engels

— Friedrich Engels

The free development of each is the condition for the free development of all.

— Friedrich Engels

— Friedrich Engels

The executive of the modern State is but a committee for managing the common affairs of the whole bourgeoisie.

— Friedrich Engels

— Friedrich Engels

— Friedrich Engels

Quotes English Language

— Friedrich Engels

The 'dangerous class,' the social scum, that passively rotting mass thrown off by the lowest layers of old society, may, here and there, be swept into the movement by a proletarian revolution; its conditions of life, however, prepare it far more for the part of a bribed tool of reactionary intrigue.

Quotes Engels Vertaling

— Friedrich Engels

— Friedrich Engels

— Friedrich Engels

The proletariat uses the State not in the interests of freedom but in order to hold down its adversaries, and as soon as it becomes possible to speak of freedom the State as such ceases to exist.

— Friedrich Engels

— Friedrich Engels

— Friedrich Engels

— Friedrich Engels

— Friedrich Engels

— Friedrich Engels

— Friedrich Engels

Quotes Engels

— Friedrich Engels

— Friedrich Engels

— Friedrich Engels

The society that will organize production on the basis of a free and equal association of the producers will put the whole machinery of the state where it will then belong: into the museum of antiquities, by the side of the spinning wheel and the bronze axe.

— Friedrich Engels

— Friedrich Engels

— Friedrich Engels

— Friedrich Engels

— Friedrich Engels

— Friedrich Engels

— Friedrich Engels


The British Labour movement is today, and for many years has been, working in a narrow circle of strikes that are looked upon, not as an expedient, and not as a means of propaganda, but as an ultimate aim.

— Friedrich Engels


Life is the mode of action of proteins.

— Friedrich Engels

— Friedrich Engels

— Friedrich Engels

Friedrich Engels Quotes Pictures

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