X Slot Meaning

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For those of you who prefer to build their own PCs, sometimes you begin to wonder what you can do with the slots and ports you don’t always take advantage of. For example, we commonly run across questions involving the PCIe 1x slot on a motherboard and what it can be used for. Those longer 8x and 16x slots are mostly dedicated to your video card (or cards), but not everyone knows what they can accomplish with that shorter 1x slot. So I will run you through some of the more popular uses of that slot so that you can make the most of it.

The long green slots are PCI-X, which accepted PCI-X and PCI cards. (Image courtesy of Giga-byte Technology Company Ltd., www.giga-byte.com) THIS DEFINITION IS FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY.

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The design and carrying capacity of container ships are based on TEU (Twenty-Foot Equivalent Unit) specifications which is 20 x 8 x 8.6 feet or 6 x 2.4 x 2.4 meters. That is the dimension of a single slot on board a container ship. I want to know if there is another slot empty for RAM upgrade. What is meaning of (1x4GB) in ram Specifications - 6175431. The question I have is what does the X4 mean? The adapter card I am looking at can be used in a X4, X8 or X16 PCIe slot and they say I will get up to 32Gbps when it is plugged into a PCIe X16 slot. Is the X4 in the description of the NVME drive a minimum requirement and it will work better plugged into an X8 or X16 slot? When using Hole Callout to dimension a slot in SOLIDWORKS 2009 or later, this is the type of dimension that is inserted. Method (b) The third method (c) provides the width and overall length of the slot in linear dimensions. This method is preferred if the slot has positional tolerances that use the boundary method (see ASME Y14.5M-1994 figure.

I’ll start off with a bonus tip by pointing out that 1x cards can be used in any PCIe slot, including those 8x and 16x slots. So if all you have left is one of the longer slots, all of the below can still be accomplished using one of those slots as well. You would simply take up the portion of the slot in relation to the smaller slot. You can see this in the following video where Youtuber R3DLIN3S demonstrates how 1x and 4x card achieve this–so you can get an idea of what I am talking about.

For now though, we are going to focus on those smaller slots and some of the many ways you to make use of them while enhancing your rig with new upgrades.

Port Expansion Cards

One of the most common uses of the 1x slots is for port expansion cards where users are looking to increase the number of specific ports on their PC. Generally, this will include USB (all versions), SATA for expanding on the number of internal drives you have doing and Firewire for those still looking to make use of that connection for specialty storage devices and video tools (ie, cameras).

For example, let’s say you built your PC a few years back and the fastest USB you have is 3.0. Now you are beginning to see all of these devices pop up that take advantage of the new USB 3.1 and you want to be able to start taking advantage of these. Faster data transfer rates, quicker charging and so forth. Chances are, your motherboard won’t have a USB 3.1 header (pins) connection to directly add ports with (only the newer most recent boards are beginning to sport them). Instead, you would find a PCIe 1x card that works best for your function and budget and slap it in there. Now you have USB 3.1 and can start drooling over those new speeds.

If your board only comes with 4 SATA ports and you have 3 hard drives and two optical drives (ie, DVD burner and a Blu-ray player), you can find a PCIe 1x card to expand on those SATA ports with so you can add that extra hard drive as well as a few other things maybe (depending on the card you buy). Some of these cards also include an eSATA port on the outside for external SATA devices.

NVMe (M.2) Drive Slots

NVMe is the future for hard drives when it comes to transfer speeds, providing some of the largest leaps in file transfer rates that we have ever seen in the history of storage evolution. A (modern) normal spinning HDD (hard drive) will typically transfer at around 120-180MB/s, where NVMe can travel at up to 3,200MB/s and growing. So it is no surprise that they have become the next biggest commodity for computers, offering incredible boosts for system boot-up and file access speeds. The only catch is that they require an M.2 slot on your motherboard. If you don’t have one of these, you’ll have to find a PCIe expansion card that can adapt using one of your available PCIe slots.

They are available in PCIe 1x options, providing one or two M.2 slots. Slap one of those cards into your computer and begin enjoying the benefits of NVMe.

Sound Card

It isn’t too common anymore where you would need to expand on the sound card that is integrated into your motherboard since most of the boards today and nearly anything in the recent past include everything you need up to 7.1 digital connectivity using analog connection and/or optical SPDIF.

However, some enthusiasts prefer to have a separate source either because it might prove to be cleaner than their integrated chipset, offer strong amplification or simply sound better in general due to enhanced surround features or even a built-in DAC. Say you have a normal Realtek integrated chipset on your board and it sounds really great. However, you notice that you can only get surround when you have a surround source. It may not be able to take a stereo signal and process it into an enhanced surround delivery. In this case, you would want a dedicated sound card to pull this off with and you would look for something from a company like Soundblaster. It doesn’t have to be PCIe as you can also go USB 3.0 to an external unit somewhere, but what if you want it as a card built-in and want to fill one of those 1x slots? So you could search for the PCIe 1x sound card that fits you best and jump on enhancing your sound.

Some people, however, tend to flock towards external docks to keep the connections closer or separate from the back of the PC since it could also include things like MIDI connections and volume controls and so much more. This may lead you back to something like USB 3.0 or equivalent but some of the PCIe cards also include the option of tethering an external dock to the back of the card as well.

These dedicated cards usually feature all sorts of things such as the various formats of Dolby and DTS sound, DSP features, multiple input and output opportunities (both analog and digital), stronger processing using faster more reliable (and cleaner) chipsets and so forth.

Modems, Network Cards (wired and wireless)

Another common use for that 1x slot is to expand on your network or phone capabilities by adding these ports through this method. If your motherboard doesn’t have an RJ11 jack with a built-in modem (which most of today’s motherboards won’t) and you need one badly, you can do so with PCIe. Given, most people couldn’t care less about a phone jack on their PC anymore–however, some may still be looking to use their PC as a fax machine since people still use this method for communication for some reason.

X Slot Meaning Slang

So let’s take a look at your motherboard’s ethernet. What if it doesn’t have ethernet integrated into the back of the board? Today, this is quite unlikely, but maybe the integrated ethernet adapter it shotty and doesn’t perform to your expectations. Maybe you prefer to have an ethernet card by Bigfoot Networks or simply anything but the one built into your board. Or, you want to add WiFi to your system because running a physical cable to it just isn’t convenient for you. Then you could look for a PCIe network or WiFi card for your system and add it via one of those slots. A lot of the ethernet cards are quite affordable running less than $40, while a lot of the WiFi cards can run similar to a little more if you are looking for killer performance. For the higher performance options, you may expect to spend anywhere between $50-$150 depending on how serious you are.

TV Tuner

You can always throw a TV Tuner card in there so you can watch live TV on your PC. Especially good if you have a multi-monitor setup or want to use your PC as a feature rich DVR. This is definitely a specialized want vs a need in most cases, but sometimes this is a valuable option for users.

Video Capture

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Let’s take that TV Tuner option one more level with a complete video capture card! Expand past just TV and consider any video source such as a camera or other external device like the DVD player connected to your TV. Maybe you want to convert all of your old family VHS tapes (remember those?) to digital files? With a video capture card, you can pull all of this off with. Certain cards come with different features, with almost all of them offering your basic analog RCA connections in one form or another.

With the newer models, you now have HDMI as well. In some cases, you can even buy adapters to adapt HDMI to just about anything you want. Typically, either you can find a card or an adapter to accomplish what you need to capture, let it be digital or analog, RCA, HDMI, SDI, DisplayPort, SVGA and so forth.

Video Card


Of course, you could always opt to use a video card in one of those smaller slots. However, you can expect very little performance compared to an 8x or 16x slot–32x is also starting to make its debut into the world. Some motherboards may only offer the 1x flavor of PCIe, in which case it may be your best bet. PCIe 1x is faster than regular PCI but it won’t compare to anything 8x and higher. Unless it is just a test system running in the corner for basic input needs, you would be better off upgrading to a new board or tower vs using 1x for your main video output card.

So there you have it! Some of the many uses of a PCIe 1x slot on your motherboard. You may find yourself jumping at the opportunity to fill them up or simply ignoring them and moving on. It depends on the level of user you are. Most people find themselves leaning on them for expanded ports as mentioned. Different needs for different people.

How about you? What do you use (or foresee yourself using) those PCIe slots for? Feel free to share your own setups or plans below. We would love to hear from you. Happy building!

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This information applies to the American Steel Industry.

Holes and Slots

Standard Holes

Standard hole sizes for bolts are made 1/16-in. larger in diameter than the nominal size of the fastener body. This provides a certain amount of play in the holes, which compensates for small misalignment’s in hole location or assembly, and aids in the shop and field entry of fasteners. In the absence of approval by the engineer for use of other hole types, standard holes shall be used in high strength bolted connections.

Although most holes for high-strength bolts are made 1/16-in. larger in diameter than the bolt body, certain conditions encountered in field erection require greater adjustment than this clearance can provide and approval from the engineer is required.

The maximum sizes of holes for bolts are given in the table below, except that larger holes, required for tolerance on location of anchor bolts in concrete foundations, are permitted in column base details.

Standard holes shall be provided in member-to-member connections, unless oversized, short-slotted or long-slotted holes in bolted connections are approved by the designer. Finger shims up to 1/4-in. may be introduced into slip-critical connections designed on the basis of standard holes without reducing the allowable shear stress of the fastener.

Oversize and Slotted Holes

When approved by the engineer, oversize, short slotted holes or long slotted holes may be used subject to the following joint detail requirements:

(1) Oversize holes may be used in any or all plies of connections in which the allowable slip resistance of the connection is greater than the applied load. Oversized holes shall not be used in bearing-type connections. Hardened washers shall be installed over oversized holes in an outer ply.

(2) Short slotted holes may be used in any or all plies of connections designed on the basis of allowable stress on the fasteners provided the load is applied approximately normal (between 80 and 100 degrees) to the axis of the slot. Short slotted holes may be used without regard for the direction of applied load in any or all plies of connections in which the allowable slip resistance is greater than the applied force. Washers shall be installed over short-slotted holes in an outer ply; when high strength bolts are used, such washers shall be hardened.

(3) Long slotted holes may be used in one of the connected parts at any individual faying surface in connections designed on the basis of allowable stress on the fasteners provided the load is applied approximately normal (between 80 and 100 degrees) to the axis of the slot. Long slotted holes may be used in one of the connected parts at any individual faying surface without regard for the direction of applied load on connections in which the allowable slip resistance is greater than the applied force. Where long-slotted holes are used in an outer ply, plate washers or a continuous bar with standard holes, having a size sufficient to completely cover the slot after installation, shall be provided. In high-strength bolted connections, such plate washers or continuous bars shall not be less than 5/16-in. thick and shall be of structural grade material, but not be hardened. If hardened washers are required for use of high-strength bolts, the hardened washers shall be placed over the outer surface of the plate washer or bar.

(4) Fully inserted finger shims between the faying surfaces of load transmitting elements of connections are not to be considered a long slot element of a connection.

Nominal Hole Dimensions

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Anchor Bolt Holes


Hole sizes for steel-to-steel structural connections are not the same as hole sizes for steel-to-concrete anchorage applications. In the case of steel-to-steel connections, the parts are made in a shop under good quality control, so standard holes (bolt diameter plus 1/16″), oversized holes (bolt diameter plus 3/16″), and short and long-slotted holes can be used quite successfully. However, the field placement of anchorage devices has long been subject to more permissive tolerances (and often, inaccuracies that exceed those tolerances anyway and may require consideration by the structural Engineer of Record).

AISC published Steel Design Guide Series 1, Column Base Plates back in the early 1990s. At that time, it was recognized that the quality of foundation work was getting worse and worse. To allow the erector (and designer) greater latitude when possible, the permissible hole sizes in base plates were increased. These same larger hole sizes were included in the 2nd ed. LRFD Manual. The values there are maximums, not a required size. Smaller holes can be used if desired. Plate washers are generally required with these holes because ASTM F436 washers can collapse into the larger-sized holes, even under erection loads.

The larger hole sizes are primarily intended for the majority of base plates that transfer only axial compression from the column into the foundation. The anchor rods don’t usually do much after erection in that case.

To allow for misplaced bolts, holes in base plates are oversized. The AISC Manual of Steel Construction recommends the following oversized hole diameters for each bolt diameter:

Anchor Bolt Hole Dimensions

AISC, Steel Design Guide Series 1, Column Base Plates, suggests that using oversize holes meeting these criteria may still not accommodate field variations in anchor bolt placement and suggests adding 1/4 in. to the hole diameter listed. The guide recommends using a heavy plate washer over the holes. The AISC Structural Steel Educational Council cites the following example: “If bolts are misplaced up to 1/2 inch, the oversized base plate holes normally allow the base plate and column to be placed near or on the column line. If the bolts are misplaced by more than 1/2 inch, then corrective work is required.”

Based on AISC oversize holes, the AISC Structural Steel Educational Council recommendations, and concrete contractor anchor-bolt placement techniques, ASCC (American Society of Concrete Contractors) concrete contractors recommend the following tolerance for each bolt location:

  • 3/4-in. and 7/8-in. diameter bolts: ±1/4 in.
  • 1-in., 1-1/4-in., and 1-1/2-in. diameter bolts: ±3/8 in.
  • 1-3/4-in., 2-in., and 2-1/2-in. diameter bolts: ±1/2 in.

End of article.