Y Education Is Important

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Why Physical Education is Important
Education can be defined as the systematic development of the mind, capabilities, and/or character through instruction or study. This is also the purpose of education. This purpose is met through the curriculum taught, how the curriculum is taught, and the nature of the curriculum taught. Physical education is just one aspect that should be taught to students.
The purpose of education is for a student to develop character, mental abilities, and physical abilities. This is why school and education are so important, because without these skills one cannot live up to his/her full potential or even function in society. My purpose as a teacher is to give students opportunities to
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Another way this happens is by failure. If a student gets beat once, twice, or even three times the same way, that student will figure out a way to stop the action and he/she will not get beat that way again. Finally one’s sense of self is developed through physical activity. This can be through team or individual sports. In a team sport one works with others. Through successes and failures one defines whom they are whether they know it or not. In an individual sport students are dependant entirely on themselves. If they push themselves then they will have a better opportunity to win. The amount of effort a student is capable of putting forth to win is also a defining characteristic.
The nature of knowledge in physical education can be absolute or relative depending on the topic. The absolute knowledge has to deal with anatomy, physiology, or even sports themselves. Most sports do not change. The way they are played can change but the basic principles stay the same. Relative knowledge in physical education involves training, methods of playing sports, and nutrition. Training is different for everyone, what works for someone might not work for somebody else. For instance, someone would never ask Barry Sanders to run through a defender while they would not ask Jerome Bettis to run around that same defender. The final way that knowledge can be relative is through nutrition. A good example of

The Importance of Education It is no secret that a good education has the power to change a life. What is new is the demand for that change. Governments are investing more than ever before on educating their citizens, eager for them to compete in the global workforce. Transforming the dreams into reality: One of the most important benefits of education is that it helps to meet the objectives of life. For instance, some people want to become rich while others aspire to become popular. Right education with dedication can help to accomplish the task.

Image Source - Pixabay (https://pixabay.com/en/school-teacher-education-asia-1782427/)
  • Category :Learning
Education is the process by which learning is facilitated. Hence it would be appropriate to keep the improvement in learner’s capacity at the center of education and all policies governing it. For effective education, the first step would be to understand the objectives of education as well as its overall purpose for the individual and the society. Education holds the key to national development.

The best indicator of the difference between a developed country and one not yet developed is the difference between the capacity and quality of its inhabitants. This is because a nation consists of people. A nation can achieve only what its people are capable of doing. Thus, it would not be wrong to say that education is that one ladder which can be used by a nation to elevate its citizen to a higher level, and thereby also put itself on an assured path of development.

What is Education?

Education is the process by which learning is imparted or obtained. When the burden and responsibility of learning is fully taken up by leaner, it becomes a case of self-education. However, in most cases, this burden is shared by several stakeholders who participate in this process in addition to the subject, who is usually referred as the learner, student or trainee.

The major part of the responsibility of education lies primarily with the teachers or the trainers, but when education is imparted in an institutional settings, then those who finance it, those who manage and maintain it and those who monitor it, for instance by an examination system, also become a part and parcel of the ecosystem that facilitates learning.
Even peers can be considered an important stakeholder, since a lot of education is mediated through the interactions among the learners, through a process called “peer learning”.

Is Education same as Learning?

Education is not the same as learning. Education is the process, while learning is the outcome of that process. Learning can happen even without a structured education system, but education in the absence of learning outcomes is a futile exercise. Thus, learning is and should always be at the core of education, and for the same reason, education systems needs to be responsive to the capacity, ambitions and limitations of learners, so as to optimize its benefits.

Formal vs. Informal Education

Education that is imparted in an institution formally established for the primary purpose of education is referred to as formal education. Schools, Colleges, Universities, training units and vocational training centers are all examples of such institutions that impart formal education. However, a very substantial part of education process takes place outside such formal institutions.

The first few years of life constitute one of the most crucial phases of one’s intellectual development, and the education that is informally imparted by parents and other family members invariably goes a long way in determining the eventual academic achievements. Similarly, learning at workplace as well as by interaction with those with better knowledge or skills is also an important part of informal education. Much of the social and political education is through the informal institutions.

What are the Components of Education?

Objectives of education can differ depending upon the type of education. However, broadly all such objectives can be categorized within three primary categories, each of which can be considered an essential component of education. The first category consists of acquisition of knowledge, the second category consists of acquisition of skills and the third category includes inculcating behavior patterns that contribute to attitude, character and personality. Different types of education involve differing levels of emphasis on these categories.

  • Acquisition of Knowledge: Traditionally, the primary focus of most of our formal education institutions, from primary schools to Colleges and Universities, has been imparting of knowledge. Usually it is undertaken with the aid of classroom instructions and discussions, backed up by readings of recommended text. Traditionally, knowledge has been a scarce commodity and those who were aware acquired a position of advantage in society, making knowledge one of the most important objectives of education. However, in the present age, where knowledge is accessible far more easily and sometime its excess becomes a challenge, the role of education is undergoing a change. Today, the role of education lies in facilitating acquisition of systemic, unbiased, scientific and validated knowledge that would bring conceptual clarity and aid analytical capacity of the learner.

  • Acquisition of Skills: Skills are almost always an essential part of formal education. In particular, skill acquisition is the central component of education in the beginning years of formal schooling, and also during the concluding years that are aimed at making an individual ready for undertaking a profession or vocation. The pre-schooling and initial years of primary school are aimed primarily at developing basic skills in communication, computation, analysis and social behavior. On the other hand, higher education aims to prepare individuals for earning a livelihood through employment or profession and is more focused on requisite skills rather than knowledge.

  • Development of attitude, character and personality: This is an embedded objective of all formal education, and is also a primary justification for the involvement of all stakeholders in the process of education. It includes inculcation of self discipline and perseverance, social values that are essential to make a distinction between right and wrong, and the overall capacity and wisdom to lead a life that is not only productive for the learner, but also results in improved welfare of the society as a whole. One of the best examples of this component of education is the training in defense forces, where the objective is to develop certain traits that are essential for defense personnel.

What is the Overall Objective or Purpose of Education?

The overall objectives or purposes of education can be classified into two categories, personal and social. The overall purpose of education from the perspective of the learner himself is to develop certain personal capacities that will develop that individual into a person that will be accepted and respected by the society, while also enabling him with a capacity to earn a decent living, either by way of employment or by way of profession or through entrepreneurship. From the perspective of the society and the State, the overall purpose of education is to develop its members into cohesive social and economic units who can flexibly and harmoniously blend together into a peaceful society and nation and optimize their economic potential together. A good system of education must always be able to cater to both of these purposes simultaneously, without compromising one for the other.

How Important are Examinations & Degrees in Education

Examinations provide a way of monitoring the education and determining the learning and capacity acquired by a student. Degrees or certificates signal that the student has acquired a certain level of such capacity. Thus, degrees are only meant as a signal for the rest of the society and in particular the potential employers about the capacity of a student who has completed his education.

Examination systems can be vulnerable to certain limitations, which adversely affect the signaling importance of degrees awarded through them. Most examinations are able to assess the acquisition of knowledge far more effectively than skills, but in real world skills may matter more than knowledge. Hence, degrees are often not relied upon by the employers for assessing skills. Other limitations of examination include the bias or limitations of examiner and the imperfections of examination system in relating to the knowledge and skills imparted.

Perhaps, one of the biggest limitations of examination is that it can change the approach of students, who instead of focusing on real learning, shift their attention and efforts to maximizing their performance in examinations. In extreme cases, such approach can even lead to adoption of unfair means, thereby compromising the integrity of examination process itself. When this happens, the resultant degrees also lose their value as the employers refuse to accept them as evidence of learning and capacity. This can become the most tragic outcome of a failed education system.

Why is Education Important?

Education is the process by which human capacity is maximized in a society or an economy. The social, political and economic status of any nation or economy is thus, primarily a function of the efficacy of its education system. On one hand, it prepares its individuals as valuable factors of production in the economy and thereby boosts the economic output of the nation. On the other hand, it ensures that the people have the necessary ability to form a cohesive society, maintain social harmony and manage collective actions, include those relating to distribution of authority and power, by a peaceful political process.

Thus, the society, the economy and the polity, all of them need a robust comprehensive education system to succeed. This is exactly why no nation or society in the world has been able to rise among its peers without a strong and effective education system.

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Education is very necessary for any individual. But there are some places where people are still not aware of it. And some people do not understand the real meaning of it. This article is useful for all group of people.

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Education is important. We should start educating our children as as possible when they are young. Education should not take place only in a classroom setting. Everything must be a learning process. Children/students should learn how to analyze their surroundings and develop their critical thinking skills.

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As a teacher,i feel that education can be described as experience we get when undergoing a particular lesson or life event. Now a days activity based learning is getting popularity and i think that helps a student more than bookish knowledge. Education involves experiences both active and passive through audio visual effects.

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As an engineering student, I personally feel that studies, these days are seen by the student as something to mug up and vomit on the exam paper to earn some useless marks. The major problem lies with the practicality in education. Mugging up lessons weekends the practicality of our thoughts and examples you obviously can see, engineered bridges collapsing, you must know the reason, the engineers in the college life's most of the time mugged up the lessons, little did the learn about the practicalities of the lessons in their lives.

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The fact that in most of the countries education is only seen as the process of learning some Math and sciences. The major drawbacks of such mindsets are the lack of financial education in the youth. They keep studying Sciences and commercial subjects,get up a job, earn money but never know how to manage it and end up being a bankrupt or a person who has a very difficult life. So it would be a good attempt if we the people come up with the government to support financial education.

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Essay Why Continuing My Education Is Important


Very elaborate and nice write up. You have tried to touch upon all the aspects of education in a social and economic sphere while equally weighing on the point that education serves as a primary tool for personal development. Education is the tool to bring about any change in society. I liked your line that informal education imparted by parents and teachers in the beginning of the life or formative years is very crucial. So we have a huge responsibility as adults to live what we want to teach or preach to our young ones. They learn more by observation and imitation.

Facts Why Education Is Important

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