Ocasio Cortez Caught

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A Texas man accused of taking part in the Capitol riot allegedly called for the assassination of Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez just got caught red-handed in an anti-Semitic scheme Democrats like Ilhan Omar are reeling over a series of anti-Semitic scandals. The Democrat Party is being exposed one-by-one as the true party of racism.

  • Richardson man arrested for role in Capitol riot, threatening to assassinate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The FBI announced Friday the arrest of a Richardson man, for his role in the riots at the U.S.
  • Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez just got caught in an embarrassing lie that will end her career Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is desperately trying to take over the Democrat Party. If she succeeds, the party will fully embrace her extremist agenda.
  • Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez keeps digging an even deeper hole. The freshmen Congresswoman turned herself into the biggest name in the Democrat Party because of her radical ideas and expert use of social media. But that just got her in huge trouble because Ocasio-Cortez was caught on film making this racist attack on white people. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

(Big League Politics) – New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez tried to get sassy on Twitter in light of the recent drama regarding election regularities taking place across the nation.


Due to this, President Donald Trump has not conceded the election and is waiting for the courts to settle any kind of irregularities at polling locations in key swing states. This obviously has Democrats and their media allies fuming over Trump’s steadfast devotion for the rule of law and election integrity.

One of the most outspoken critics of Trump’s decision to not concede has been AOC. She tweeted on November 10, 2020, “I hope people realize that the same Republicans who are refusing to acknowledge the results of our elections also champion disastrous foreign policy claiming they’re ‘bringing democracy’ to other nations.”


I hope people realize that the same Republicans who are refusing to acknowledge the results of our elections also champion disastrous foreign policy claiming they’re “bringing democracy” to other nations.

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) November 11, 2020

AOC’s comment was met with immediate backlash after incoming Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene offered her two cents on the matter. The new congresswoman for Georgia’s 4th District tweeted “You voted for @JoeBiden who voted for the Iraq War, which cost America trillions of dollars and thousands of lives.”

You voted for @JoeBiden who voted for the Iraq War, which cost America trillions of dollars and thousands of lives. https://t.co/MSn8zptww2

— Marjorie Taylor Greene 🇺🇸 (@mtgreenee) November 11, 2020

Ocasio-cortez Caught Up In Dark Money Scandal


Greene was specifically calling out AOC for her hypocritical behavior of voting for a candidate that was one of the most seasoned proponents of foreign adventuring and a big booster of the defense industry. Certain officials from defense contractors such as Raytheon CEO Gregory Hayes have stated that a Biden presidency would not entertain any form of defense cuts whatsoever. Biden is the consummate political insider and AOC’s support for him belies her marketing as an outsider.

Greene can be counted on as a fierce defender of the America First agenda and will be a strong voice for conservative causes while in Congress. Nationalists need fighters in D.C. not door mats in order to beat back the establishment and fully drain the swamp. Greene fits the bill and hopefully she serves as an inspiration for other candidates to follow in her footsteps during future election cycles.

Ocasio Cortez Caught Lying Video


Ocasio Cortez Speech Today
